Grassroots Group Calls for Counties to Reject Gov. Lee’s Decision to Bring More Refugees to Tennessee


Members of the Tennessee Alliance/Tennessee Grassroots Patriots are asking Tennesseans to engage with their local and other elected officials to make sure their areas are not refugee resettlement areas.

They ask that you also contact your local elected officials to make sure they do declare your area a Second Amendment Sanctuary.

Members of the Tennessee Alliance/Tennessee Grassroots Patriots made this request in an email to their members Sunday. They cited U.S. Republican President Donald Trump’s recent Executive Order asking states and localities to offer input as to whether they want refugees resettled into their areas.

Members of the group are asked to contact their city and county mayors and county commissioners “to issue a formal directive to the Governor of Tennessee, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and President Trump, Your TN. State Rep. & Senator, indicating that they DO NOT WANT Refugees Resettled into their areas.”

The group also offered an article on the costs of refugee resettlement.

Members of the Tennessee Alliance/Tennessee Grassroots Patriots also referenced a bill introduced in the state House and Senate concerning refugee resettlement. Group members want people to contact their state House and state Senate representatives and ask them to co-sponsor the bill.

According to the language of the bill, it “requires this state to refuse to consent to receive any refugees for purposes of resettlement; requires each local government within this state to refuse to consent to receive any refugees for purposes of resettlement unless resettlement within its jurisdiction is approved by a certain process.”

As The Tennessee Star reported last week, Tennessee Republican Bill Lee announced the state will not stop resettling refugees, even though Republican Lt. Gov. Randy McNally and Republican Speaker of the House Cameron Sexton said they disagree.

Lee had this power, per an executive order from U.S. Republican President Donald Trump. Trump issued an executive order in September that asked states and cities to consent in writing if they want to continue refugee resettlements.

Lee released a statement explaining his reasons.

“The United States and Tennessee have always been … a shining beacon of freedom and opportunity for the persecuted and oppressed, particularly those suffering religious persecution,” Lee said in a statement.

“My administration has worked extensively to determine the best outcome for Tennessee, and I will consent to working with President Trump and his administration to responsibly resettle refugees.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].







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16 Thoughts to “Grassroots Group Calls for Counties to Reject Gov. Lee’s Decision to Bring More Refugees to Tennessee”

  1. […] The Tennessee Star reported last week, members of the organization have asked that people engage with their local and other elected […]

    1. Lily Zaga

      They do this and they will watch their best citizens leave in flocks, and will be left with….What they deserve.

  2. Phl Dedrick

    Attention Tennesseans,

    Friends, please, I need your help…Please share this Petition, “Governor Bill Lee, reverse your decision” out to all of the Tennesseans that you know and please sign this Petition…We need at least 10,000 Tennessee Voters to sign it and make a big impact when this petition is taken to Governor Bill Lee…For you out of State people, please send this to all of your Tennessee friends and family…

  3. […] The Tennessee Star reported Monday, members of the Tennessee Alliance/Tennessee Grassroots Patriots are asking Tennesseans to engage […]

  4. midnitelamp

    hopefully someone will give the Gov a sombrero and a middle eastern head dress for Christmas.

  5. Ms Shaw, how many refugees are you taking into your home this coming year? Left loves to talk the talk, but when it comes to living it, not so much.

    1. Pissed Off Nashvillian

      Great! All we need are more people that hate America.

  6. Silence Dogood

    We do not need anymore refugee’s in this country. Not a single one. Those who are so anxious to welcome them to this country need to sponsor them. How easy. Board them in your home, pay for their healthcare, food, job search, cultural acclimation, transportation costs, schooling cost, etc… And if they break the law, be responsible for any losses incurred by neighbors or victims. This fascination with throwing our money away on non citizens has become a social sickness. If you truly want to help the needy I am guessing you could find a hungry child, an under dressed homeless person, or mentally scarred vet who could use your help.Good grief. But instead you want to do the feel good thing and spend my money on your pet charities.Hypocrites, each and everyone of you.

  7. William R. Delzell

    Some constructive advice: if we are really serious about stemming the flow of excess refugees, we must quit economically and politically destabilizing the countries from which these refugees flee. They did not want to make the dangerous hundreds miles long trek from their native lands to the U.S./Mexican border with the perils of starvation and kidnappers along the way. If they had it their way, they would stay put just as most of us U.S. citizens like to stay put. But for at least a century, the U.S. has treated Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and, to a somewhat lesser extent, South America as our own backyard in the same way that the former Soviet Union used to do with Iron Curtain Eastern Europe. If the U.S. would enable these Central American and Caribbean countries to recover their economic equilibrium and political freedom from greedy multinational corporation and right wing military thugs, I bet you that many refugees would JUMP at the opportunity to return to their homes. By giving them robust economies, they can help us revive ours as well and give decent jobs to U.S. citizens here and to refugees back there.

    We will also have to punish employers here who bring in these refugees to exploit their labor and to put U.S. citizens out of work and/or to depress wages. The use of refugees to do cheap labor that nobody here wants to do is akin to the antebellum use of slaves to replace free labor and to lower wages so as to prevent the still-employed worker from being able to support a family.

    If we make these other countries stable enough for refugees to want to return to, they could produce things for U.S. commerce that, in turn, will provide decent jobs for U.S. citizens–quid pro quo.

    We will NOT solve the refugee crisis by treating these refugees (most of whom are law-abiding who are fleeing conditions that the U.S.’s own foreign/military policy created in the first place) as criminals and pariahs. That approach only helps a few greedy power-hungry bigots who want to take over our country.

  8. Jim

    Governor Lee should remember who elected him. The republicans elected him. This extra burden on taxpayers is not what we want. He can be replaced by a more conservative candidate. He should have run as a democrat and the people would have known what was coming. I call for the legislature to overturn any idea of accepting any more so called refugees.

    1. tom

      Why should we wait for another election cycle. Why not lets start a recall vote on this pansy

      1. scary times

        I am certainly willing to gain signatures to RECALL BILL LEE

        1. Betty Ballard

          You can have mine

  9. Beatrice Shaw

    I thought this was the group that literally worshipped Bill Lee. Is the Honeymoon over or something? We need refugees and this ‘Alliance’ group helped us get them by helping us get Bill Lee. Sounds like a win for the state and the world but sour grapes for whatever this ‘Alliance’ is……probably a spinster in a basement.

    1. Novie Lindsey

      The citizens of state of Tennessee elected him not the incoming refugees who want to live in our state

    2. scary times

      O.K. Beatrice..lets get your address, so we can start flooding your area with them..and I WILL be telling any other immigrants YOUR giving heart ..then YOU can give. all YOU want.
